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Milk Bath
Spa and Beauty Products


Dharma Suds began out of frustration. I have suffered from the auto-immune disease, Psorasis, for my entire life. I had spent thousands of dollars on treatments and specialists, and nothing really seemed to help. I had been told over and over to avoid soap and to use liquid hand and body wash. But a chance viewing on YouTube of a soapmaker got me thinking. What if these doctors didn't know the difference between real handmade soap, and the cheap imported, mass produced bars of "soap" and beauty bars.

So began my journey. I ditched the products made with cheap detergents, and switched to making my own bath and body products. My skin hasn't looked back. I haven't had a serious psorasis breakout in years!

I love all the products I make, and I hope you do too.

Luxury Hotel Spa Collection
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